Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships is a faith-based international development organisation that deploys hospital ships to some of the poorest countries in the world, delivering vital, free healthcare to people in desperate need.
Founded in 1978 by Don and Deyon Stephens, Mercy Ships has worked in more than 55 countries, providing services valued at more than £1.3 billion. By improving healthcare delivery in every country it visits, Mercy Ships is working to eradicate the diseases of poverty and effectively do itself out of a job. Mercy Ships follows the model of Jesus by “bringing hope and healing to the forgotten poor”, helping people of all faiths and none.
Mercy Ships tackles these diseases of poverty through three steps:
1 Offering direct medical care and surgery to local people;
2 Training and mentoring local health professionals; and
3 Improving healthcare infrastructure.

Rickmansworth Baptist Church supports Mercy Ships through our retiring offering after Sunday morning worship.

If you would like to make a Gift Aid declaration with your giving to Mercy Ships, please go to the web site or contact the Treasurer.
Keith Wall, 21/10/2010